Dismissal Rules


If the School fees are not paid by the end of month for which they are due, the Principal reserves the right to strike off the name of the child without notice. A sum of Rs. 1000/ - per child as Re-admission fee and in addition a fine of Rs. 100/- will be charged before the child is allowed to attend the class. The Principal reserves the right to refuse re-admission and to issue a transfer certificate only when all dues of the school are cleared in full.

Any people whose conduct, progress or application is unsatisfactory may be asked to leave the school.
A pupil is liable to removal from the school if n satisfactory explanation is received from the parent / guardian for the following breaches of the disciplinary rules:

    • Habitual unpunctuality.
    • Irregular attendance.
    • Absence from the school for three days in succession, without any limitation.
A pupil is liable to immediate removal from the school for the following reasons:
    • Insubordination to member of the school staff.
    • Deliberate disobedience of orders given by a member of the school staff.